the accidental catching layer landing out of turn
to lock the terms the cutting noise curves
in spite of orders against measuring defeat
pays the instant completer of the jumble for its music tail
empty at being the highest personal box
focused through the tides of personality
on the theater hole built to convince each beaten diver
that to settle is safe enough to control abusing
the invented siege lights:
the private charade avoiding drama
split from the central confidence of listing the self
as a cheap ceramic imitation fossil
loads the closer pendulum for gathering the composed ache
where continuing the slower empty dreaming bow
is confined to revealing that the temporary incline
is a too overly human perfect misfortune growing blindnesses
to brace the roar sideways into the rain
while failing to stop the dancing mark from looking
still more peculiar:
the sailing knife breaking down material
to spill the image as a fallen garment
prepares to be dangerous
hanging through the body time in flooded useless loyalties
to a chorus that sticks leaving a slept anger
carefully circling the orders to lose the wing on purpose,
to engineer the doubt fever's pounded swollen seeing lock
for shattering the pretended path to being whoever
the hull feels closest to vibrating only where
the pain turns alone
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The Winding Interval