Jim Rosenberg

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Installing Diagrams Series 6

1. Background

Diagrams Series 6 is implemented in Squeak. Please note that Squeak is available under the terms of The Squeak License. If you are running any of the operating systems Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux you should have everything you need in this distribution. If you are running a different operating system (e.g. BSD, Mac OS 9) see the section below, Other Operating Systems . In Squeak, the entire universe is contained in a single file called an image. In addition, it normally takes 3 other files to run Squeak: (1) an executable called a Virtual Machine (VM); (2) a changes file that goes along with the image; (3) a sources file giving complete source code for everything in Squeak. For this project, the image has been "reduced" so as not to need either the changes file or the sources file. Below are 3 download links: Windows, Linux, and Mac_OS. Each link references an archive file with everything you need for the respective operating system. The archive files are .zip files except for Linux; the Linux download is a .tar.gz. .zip files should be able to be extracted by WinZip on Windows, and Stuffit Expander on Mac OS X; use tar to extract on Linux. In addition there is a link for a .gz of just the image file. If you are running some other operating system, use this link.

There is nothing fancy about installation. Extract the archive to a directory of your choice, execute the VM with the image file as an argument, and Diagrams Series 6 should be launched. Windows users please note there are no registry keys or other horrors normally hidden from you inside the intestines of a rocket-science setup.exe.

2. Installation

Sorry, there is no automatic installer yet.

2.1 Follow the appropriate link below and download the archive for your operating system.

2.2. Create a directory for Diagrams Series 6. Extract the download file into this directory.

2.3. You should end up with two files: the VM and diags_series_6.image. Virtually any method of executing the VM with diags_series_6.image as an argument should work. For the details, see section 6 below under your operating system.

3. If You Already Have Squeak Installed on Your System

For those fortunate souls who have already installed Squeak: You should just be able to execute Squeak with the image diags_series_6.image from wherever you would like to copy it. However: please note that this image was prepared using Squeak 3.6. It is possible something may fail if your VM is older than this.

4. Other Operating Systems

Squeak runs on a large variety of other operating systems. If you don't see your operating system listed above, please visit the Squeak download page, download a VM for your operating system, and then you should be able to proceed as above.


Windows (13.4M)
Linux (13.3M)
Mac OS X (14M)

Image Only (13M)

6. Launching Diagrams Series 6

Windows: Double-click the icon diags_series_6.bat. (The Windows archive has a couple of files that are not present in the other archives: the .bat file and a .dll file. You should not need the .dll, but it is there just in case.)

Linux: Execute the command

./squeak diags_series_6.image &
Mac OS X: Drag the icon diags_series_6 onto the icon Squeak 3.6.1Beta5.app.

In case of trouble, please E-mail me.